Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Arctic Ocean research project

A little blurb about my research project:
My Arctic Ocean research project takes a look at possible jurisdiction claims on the Arctic. Arctic ice is melting and in greater amounts, with a shorter freezing season because of global warming. This results in ice-free areas of the Arctic, which means the ability to explore for potential gas and oil. This also highlights the Arctic Ocean as a new potential transport/shipping lane, which would drastically reduce the time taken to get from Europe to Asia. This would likely increase the amount of shipping around the world.
This obviously leads to territory claims and disputes by countries whose coasts are adjacent to the Arctic Ocean. The controversy here is: who gets what? UNCLOS states that a coastal state can increase their EEZ to 350 nm from their baselines if they can prove that the ocean ridges in the Arctic Ocean are actually extensions of their continental shelf.
Along with Russia, Canada and Denmark are currently doing extensive seabed surveys and mapping, so that they can submit their claims according to UNCLOS regulations.
So what does this mean?
This would lead to oil and gas exploration, increased tourism, increase exploitation of fish resources, increased shipping traffic, environmental degradation........

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